9th February 1977
My dear Mark,
I am most grateful to you for your very kind letter dated 6th February, 1977, and it has caused me no little pleasure to see the address, Downing College, etc., so modestly printed in the top right hand corner of the first page.
So often in the past twelve years since this school opened I have felt lonely and unappreciated, and, indeed, I had become resigned to receiving very little gratitude from all the people to whom I hoped I was doing some good. A letter like yours is a very rare occurrence and does far more to encourage me than you may ever realise, although perhaps later in life, when responsibility of one kind or another is given to you, then perhaps similar thoughts may occur to you.
I do not think that gratitude is so very rare but certainly expressions of gratitude are very few, and I suppose there are many old boys who think kindly of us but never put pen to paper in the way in which you have done. I do not blame them because They have their own lives to lead and many other engagements to fulfil, but I am profoundly grateful to you for the trouble which you have taken and for the comfort you have given me.
Every good wish for a very full and successful life in Cambridge. I may before long carry out my threat to visit you and the other fellows.
Yours sincerely,
Head Master
Mr. Mark P. Brennan
Downing College
0B2 lDQ.