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St Augustine's Grammar School

  1966 Year List Add to this page

Chris Blaydon < chris.blaydon@shell.com >

Barry Brennan <barry.brennan@hfcbank.co.uk>
0121 265 3920(W) 0121 265 3950(F)
Occupation: Director Fraud Prevention at HFC Bank
Family: Wife Dot and two boys aged 18 and 15

Thomas Carville < >

John Chelsea < john2rose@btopenworld.com > 'chips'
2, Biddall Drive Baguley  M23 1PF
01619988418(H) 07971806849(W)
Occupation: self employed lift erector
Family: 3 kids,2 boys,1 girl  rory 21, chloe 19, jordan 18,  2nd marriage to rose
Interests: man united

Barry Dare < basdare@tampabay.rr.com >

Mike Fox < mfox@shcl.net > 'Foxy'
Occupation: solicitor
Interests: golf, rugby(watching), M.C.F.C. and having the odd pint(ie 7,9.11...) with Tofty.

Joe Gillen (previously Gillan) <joegillhk@yahoo.com >'Bamber'
Bangkok, Thailand
Occupation: Chartered Civil Engineer
Family: Single
Other Information: A degree at Surrey University got me into civil Engineering.
Have travelled extensively working in many places, particularly south east asia.
Last long spell in the UK was 5 years on the Channel tunnel, then I got itchy feet again. Currently in Bangkok on new airport, but Feb 2002 I am just about to go to Turkey for new Bosphorus crossing.
Keep well in touch with a few of my class, including Andre Bilyk & Roger Kearney and still follow MCFC ardently wherever I go.Expect to contact some more of old class mates in due course.

Tony Greenwood <tony@tgreenwood.freeserve.co.uk >

Eamonn Horton < eamonn.horton@stockport.gov.uk >

Mike Hovington <mhovington@lix.compulink.co.uk>
9 Kentmere Close, Gatley, Cheadle, SK8 4RD;
District Judge, Salford County Court

John Kilkenny <kilkejo1@another.com>

"Knickers" McGee

Paul Morris <burgess@candw.ag>
Superintendent in charge of development for the Royal Montserrat Police
National Football coach for Monserrat

Denis Murphy ( denis.murphy101@gmail.com )
66 New Hey Road,
Lindley, Huddersfield HD3 4AJ
First Class Consulting (www.denis.murphy.dial.pipex.com)
Tel: +44 1484 319000 (W) +44 1484 511183 (H) +44 1484 349700 (F) +44 7802 804408(M)

Steve Newton <newtonsteve@supanet.com>

Dave Slack < d.j.slack@btinternet.com >
Maltmans South, High Street, Cuckfield, West Sussex, RH17 5EN
01444 453334 (H)
Occupation: Insurance Admin Manager
Interests: Trying to learn hang gliding (before I die) - or maybe the last thing I do before I die!

Occupation: Regional Manager Retail Grocery
Family: Married to Lesley 2 boys (22,18) 1 girl (8)

Tony Sweeney <tony@thesweeneyfamily.co.uk>

Fred Stanton < tony@stanton18.freeserve.co.uk >
Tyldesley, Gtr Manchester

"Jonah Lomu" Sweeney

Chris Terry < christerry@seapea.freeserve.co.uk >

Edward Tickle < tickle@btinternet.com >
Worked for BT (Post Office) since leaving school in 1973.
Married since 1975 to Jenny.
Three children - aged 26, 23 and 13.
Finally gave up playing the bagpipes 3 years ago and started learning piano. Grade 4 exam next month.
Expect to be Ashkenazy standard in 40 years' time. (Never too late.)

Jim Toft < James.Toft@gmp.police.uk >
Greater Manchester Police

Peter Wharton <peter_wharton@mancat.ac.uk>
Served on Stockport Council from 1986-99 including a year as Deputy Mayor, Stockport MBC 1992-93.

Steve Williams < stw186@bigfoot.com >

Alan Wilson < alan.wilson17@btinternet.com > 'cuddles'
webpage: http://www.alan.wilson@CIS.co.uk
17,Westminster Avenue, Hartshead, Ashton-u-Lyne, Tameside.
(H): 01613441254 (W): 07887632686
Occupation: Regional Compliance Adviser
Family: 3 children aged 24, 21 & 16
Interests: Swapped the rugby for 5 a side football but still watch the odd game
Other Information: Numerous jobs in different industries until I went in to the Insurance industry in 1984 and am now settled with the good old co-op and have been for the past four years.

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